Burgess Scans, 1993 - Page 1

Photographs taken by Gordon Burgess in 1993 of Piedmont Appalachian Trail Hikers activities.

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(1) 4/8/93 - Preparing for controlled burn on Chestnut Ridge. (2) 4/8/93 - Helicopter scooping water for controlled burn.

(3) 4/8/93 - Controlled burn on Chestnut Ridge. (4) 4/8/93 - Controlled burn on Chestnut Ridge.

(5) 4/16/93. A big crowd for the blowdown worktrip. Tentative identifications, help me out if you can - back row - David Emrey, Brian Raichle, Parthena Martin, Unknown, Walter Trogden, Jim Wood, Gene Greer, Unknown, Bill Boudman, Mark Clayton, Don Childrey, Unknown, Jim Ball. Middle row - Brandon Saunders, Unknown, Doris Ford, Danny Booker, Kathy Bobseine, Hollyce Kirkland, Steve Williams, Unknown. Front row - Bill Medlin, Clint Kawanishi, Marvin Kirkland, Gordon Burgess, Trudy Whitney, Unknown. (6) Path member looking out over Burkes Garden.

(7) 4/16/93. Brandon Saunders. Back in the day when PATH had a 15 year old chainsaw operator. He was just as careful and conscientious as any of his elders. (8) 4/17/96. Brandon Saunders, Don Childrey, Mark Clayton on Chestnut Ridge.

(9) Gordon Burgess. (10) 4/16/93. Gordon Burgess and Don Childrey.

(11) Gordon Burgess at the Mozer Tree. (12) 5/15/93. Weedeater crew coming off trail at Walker Gap after working through from 623. Back row - Vaughn Thomas, Unidentified, Paul Clayton, Beverly Underwood, Barry Hester. Front Row - Unidentified, Mark Clayton, Unidentified. This was my first worktrip with PATH.

(13) 5/27/93. Konnarock crew at Sugar Grove. (14) 5/27/93. Konnarock cooks dueling it out after one of them insulted the other's creme brulee.

(15) 5/27/93. Gordon Burgess setting up for group shots at Sugar Grove. (16) 5/27-31/93. Gordon worked with the Konnarock Crew and Mt. Rogers club in the high country and along the creek.

(17) PATH had a week of Konnarock time the week of 6/25/93. Danny Booker and Gordon Burgess with the Konnarock crew in Crawfish Valley. (18) Konnarock crew at the Mozer Tree.

(19) Konnarock crew members in Crawfish Valley. (20) 7/17/93. Worktrip crew at Stony Fork. Back row - Bill Medlin, Mark Clayton, Paul Clayton, Jim Wood, David Emrey, friend of Steve Williams, Steve Williams and son. Front row - Gordon Burgess, Emily, Matt, Jeff and Andy Brown, Unidentified, Steve's friend's daughter, Bill Boudman, John Hartpence with Aslan.

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