PATH Pictures and Literature

Burgess Scans

All photographs by Gordon Burgess unless otherwise noted. Click on a picture to see it larger.

Gordon Burgess was, for many years, "trail-boss" of Piedmont Appalachian Trail Hikers. He was an avid photographer and took hundreds of pictures of club activities mostly in the years between 1982 and 1994. After his retirement from active maintaining, he and I made a project out of scanning many of his club photographs. At the time, the best equipment we had available would make a 640x480 pixel scan of a standard 4x6 inch print. This was large enough for the monitors most people had at the time, and we posted hundreds of pictures to the PATH website. Many of them are still there.

Modern computers are capable of displaying much higher resolutions, so I am in the process of rescanning the original prints to produce larger, clearer images. As I finish sets, I will post them here.

My thanks to Ron Hudnell and Tom Dillon for technical support, proofreading and identifications.

Click on any picture at this site to see it larger.

If you can make identifications or see errors that need to be corrected, please email me directly at

Table of Contents

Emrey Scans

Martha Emrey has graciously made David Emrey's large collection of photographs available for me to scan and present on this website. David was an active member of PATH for almost 40 years, and left many photographs, some with descriptive captions, that document the history of the club. I invite all PATH members to help me to identify people and places in these photographs. By preserving our history we can keep our club strong for the present and the future. Please email me with any information you would like to add to these pictures at

Thomas Scans

Vaughn Thomas was the club secretary, editor of the ATC guidebook for our area, liason with the ATC and new member recruiter par excellence for many years. She almost never missed a worktrip. Late in her life she passed on to me her collection of club photographs, newsletters and documents. I hope to present many of them here and in other sections of this website.

PATH Newsletters

From my collection of newsletters. I will be posting more as I have time.

Club Documents

Bill Medlin. Gordon printed a number of emails sent through the PATH list on Bill's passing, commemorating his service to PATH. They are collected here as a pdf.

1994 PATH Membership Profile.

Letter dated 04/22/87 from Margaret Drummond of the ATC to Kathy Bobseine of PATH formalizing the transfer of trail from Brushy Mountain to the Holstein River from Mt Rogers AT Club to PATH.

Articles of Incorporation, dated 03/08/87.

PATH Board Minutes, dated 02/15/97.

Listing of Konnarock projects, 1983-1998.

Memorandum regarding open areas management from Mike Dawson to Bill Sims dated 02/11/86.

Summary of Worktrips for the year 2000.

1983 Membership List.

"Off the Beaten Path", article about Henry and Doris Ford by Linda Spiker, published in the Smyth County News & Messenger, 3/4/06.

Letter from Ken Rose dated 07/26/2005.

Note from Settlers Museum dated 06/19/2008.

Board Meeting Agenda dated 11/18/1995.

Rubin's Rhymin' Worm. PATH member Robert Rubin through-hiked in 1997 and wrote a book about it - On the Beaten Path, Lyons Press, NY 2000. As he progressed up the trail, he wrote another book, in the shelter registers and in letters back home to PATH, "Ballad of the Rhymin' Worm", here presented for your edification and enjoyment.

Letter from Thomas Campbell to Hollyce Highfill dated 07/26/1969, regarding the guidebook, trail relocations, landowner relations and other business.

Article in Wytheville Enterprise dated 10/02/2004. Interview with Chris Bracknell regarding his through hike.

Copyright © 2018-2025 Paul M. Clayton